Sunday, February 2, 2014

Final Reflection

The memoir, Persepolis, has been interesting to read. The book bored me a little bit because at certain times I found myself losing interest and becoming very bored. There were a lot of events in the story where I did find myself very intrigued. Finding out how Iranians were treated and how much their lives were affected from the Islamic Revolution, really fascinated me. Although, I have had an good experience with reading this book it was not what I expected. I knew the book would be based on the Islamic Revolution but not as much as it actually is. I wish the reading would have been focused more on how Marjane felt as a Muslim girl but it is very revolution based and that's all. I do love how Marjane always expresses her feelings and views on her life. She always specifically details her emotions and others as well. Also, it was very smart and absorbing to see how Marjane Satrapi constantly used humor in her context while also showing a deep seriousness. Persepolis has been a little more different then any memoir's that have been read in my class. The memoir, Maus by Art Spiegelman describes the life of someone during the Holocaust. The book, Persepolis talks about the Islamic Revolution so the two books are similar but are kind of different in tones. Maus has a more serious and thoughtful tone while Persepolis has a more light and humorous tone while still stressing the severity of the events in the book. I am very happy that this book was my memoir choice because now I have insight to what my life will be like and how the Islamic Revolution affected people's lives.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great book for an alternative exposure to life well outside what our class reads. I'm glad you've had the opportunity to read it.
