Sunday, February 2, 2014

Initial Impressions

My reading memoir of choice is, Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. I have chosen this book because I come from a Muslim background where there are sometimes many stereotypes and challenges that I know I will face so hearing some experiences from a different point of view would be nice. I am very interested in finding out more about the Islamic Revolution because I have never really read about it previously or know any background information on the topic. Also, I thought it would be interesting to find out how some Muslim countries go through life and how a Muslim girl feels in society, especially during that time. Knowing that this books has visual context makes me more interested in reading it because it can really show me how the author felt during the events in her life. Reading this book also scares me because there could possibly be a chance that Islamic life isn't exactly easy and that there could many hardships in my future. Also, I am worried about the book being too political because that does not interest me and I cant really keep up with it. But it does bring me excitement and curiosity to see how Muslims and Iranians were treated during the war. The author in this book seems like she is going to explain her life step by step through the revolution. The book seems like it focuses a lot on how the Islamic Revolution began and ended. I am worried that this book will be too emotional for me and make me scared of Islamic beliefs but it may be the complete opposite of that. I have very high hopes for what I will get out of this book and I am very excited to see the outcome.

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